Proper planning, delegation and execution of tasks is the basis function of an effective enterprise.
Currently, it seems necessary to use for this purpose information systems that take care of all automatic action for us and which additionally communicate with each other.
Challenges waiting for you in enterprise management
How to plan activities effectively?
Every day brings new problems to be solved in the enterprise.
According to the S.M.A.R.T. plan criteria, the resolution plan should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
However is nearly impossible to achieve it without a system supporing you.
How to delegate and execute realization?
Proper delegation and effective execution is the basis for the effective operation of an enterprise.
Planning is inefficient and time-consuming, effective enforcement is impossible without the right tools.
No online access and no instant notification make every action plan blurred and not specific.
How to engage the team in CI activities?
There are several hundred or several thousand creative people working in a production plant.class_selector
They have very good ideas on how to improve their work.
However, they often do not engage in the process of continuous improvement because they do not see it for this purpose.
Providing the right system for collecting employee ideas and rewarding the best ones is extremely important.
Tools that can help you
Action Plan
Get to know the versatile tool created to manage your business in a modern way.
Thanks to the employee ideas module and audits module, you have the data you need to improve your business.
Available online
Like all applications created by Ruby Logic, Action Plan too does not require installation.
All you need is a network access and one of the modern web browsers.
Cost optimization
Action Plan application is available on a subscription basis in the SaaS (System as a Service) model.
It means that you don't have to plan big investments to start using it.
You only pay when you want to use it.